Online Counseling Can Help You Feel Like Yourself Again

Have you been feeling overly anxious, depressed, or not like yourself? Whether or not you have a formal diagnosis, it is a good idea to talk to a counselor or therapist when you start to feel not-quite-right. A decade ago, this meant climbing in a car and riding to a therapist’s office, but now you have another alternative: online counseling. Here are a few reasons why online counseling is perfect for patients who just want to feel like themselves again.

Ways To Help You Heal Emotionally After Placing Your New Baby For Adoption

Whether you have already placed your birth child up for adoption, or it is something you plan to do, it is important to remember that you are likely to have a wave of different emotions roll over you from time to time. This is not to say that your choice of adoption was wrong. It is just part of your emotional journey, and one that you want to face head on so your emotions don’t get the best of you.

Three Ways To Avoid Media Negativity If It Fuels Your Anxiety

If you struggle with an anxiety disorder, you might find that your symptoms are worse after you follow the news. There’s a lot of negativity in today’s news, and this may be detrimental for those with anxiety. For example, if you hear about an incident in a country that your child is visiting on vacation, you might get extremely anxious — even if he or she isn’t traveling there for several months.

How You Can Put Yourself On The Path To Addiction Recovery

If you are addicted to a substance that you need to get clean from, you may be a little worried, and maybe even scared. You might not know what to expect or what things you can do in order to receive the young adult addiction recovery assistance that you need. To ensure that you are giving yourself the best chance of recovery, you will want to make use of the following tips.