How Play Therapy Can Help Children With ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, is a common condition that affects several children. It is said that approximately six million children between 3 and 17 have ADHD. It can cause difficulties with focus, impulse control, and hyperactivity, making it challenging for children to succeed in school and in their social lives. However, play therapy is a promising approach that has been shown to help children with ADHD. Exploring the benefits of play therapy can help you determine if it is the correct approach for your child's needs.

What Is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is a specific type of therapy that encourages the use of play to help children express their emotions and develop coping skills. It is an effective way of treating a wide range of mental health concerns, including ADHD. During play therapy sessions, a therapist will work with the child to engage in various types of play, such as imaginative play, sensory play, and art therapy.

Development of New Skills

One of the ways that play therapy can help children with ADHD is by teaching them new skills. For example, during play therapy sessions, children with ADHD may learn how to identify and manage their emotions, communicate effectively with others, and regulate their behaviors. These skills can help manage the symptoms of ADHD, both in and out of the therapy session.

Builds Self-Esteem

Another benefit play therapy provides children with ADHD is that it can help them build their self-esteem. Children with ADHD may struggle with feelings of low self-worth, particularly if they have trouble in school or social interactions. Play therapy can help children with ADHD feel more confident in themselves and their abilities. By providing a safe, supportive environment, the therapist can help children with ADHD explore their strengths and build their self-worth.

Improvements to Social Skills

Play therapy can also help children with ADHD develop better social skills. Children with ADHD may struggle with social interactions, finding it difficult to make friends or connect with others. By engaging in play therapy, children with ADHD can practice critical social skills such as taking turns, sharing, and communicating effectively. Over time, these skills can help children with ADHD form better relationships with their peers and build stronger social connections.

Play therapy is a helpful way to assist children diagnosed with ADHD. If you believe your child may benefit from play therapy, consider contacting a licensed play therapist to learn more about this effective treatment option. A therapist will set an appointment and have you and your child come for a consultation. If you have limited travel options, the therapist of your choice might be able to provide phone or video conferences.

Contact a child play therapy program to find out more. 
