Why Seeking LGBTQ Support Therapy Is Important
LGBTQ support therapy can help people even if they're not looking at identify-specific issues. You may wonder if this approach to counseling is distinct from typical therapy in a way that justifies seeking it over other options. Here are three reasons why you might want to ask specifically for LGBTQ therapy.
All forms of therapy require a level of transparency. It will usually be easier to be open with a counselor if you know you can lay your cards on the table without the risk of judgment. By actively seeking LGBTQ support therapy from the start, you can rest assured you and the counselor will be on the same page from the start of your first session. Also, it just avoids a potentially tough conversation, ultimately saving your time and avoiding some aggravation.
Eliminating LGBTQ Issues as a Variable
It might sound a bit strange to target LGBTQ support therapy as a way to eliminate it as a variable. However, people tend to fixate on whatever seems different from their normal routine. Even the best-intentioned counselors may fixate on questions of gender, sex, and identity if a subject isn't from their usual pool of clients.
The reality is queer people have bad days just like everybody else. You may need to focus on that fact rather than discussing LGBTQ-specific concerns. If you're working with a counselor who understands your situation, they'll have an easier time knowing when to look past it so you can just discuss a bad day.
There can be a thin line between "context matters" and "not seeing the forest for the trees." Sometimes it helps to not get too caught up in context.
Access to Resources
A counselor who provides LGBTQ support therapy will have access to specific resources. If a client needs drug and alcohol counseling, for example, a therapist can use their network to find resources in more supportive environments. Especially if someone is in a physically vulnerable situation, such as a young person who's transitioning, it can help to have a counselor as their navigator to find the right resources.
Oftentimes, people need support that goes beyond therapy and counseling. Counselors will have networks of people who can address problems with understanding. If someone is suffering physical abuse, for example, they can contact support groups, agencies, and law firms that are supportive. The same goes for addressing issues like access to housing, work, and education.
For more information, reach out to a company such as Encircle.